At Cornwall Music Service Trust we’ve been spent much time over the pandemic creating courses and resources to support our students and schools.
As we enter 2022 it looks like disruption isn’t over. So we’re giving away free access until the end of the Easter holidays (24th April 2022) to our growing range of courses. These provide online and blended learning to support instrumental lessons, and to provide whole-class music activities for schools and other organisations.
Signing up
Apply the coupon code FREE in the “Order Summary” and click “apply coupon” when you sign up below. You won’t have to enter any card details. However we do ask you to leave us some feedback to help us develop the content that is relevant for you (a Feedback link is at the bottom of every page). Also:
- If you’re registering for your child, please put in the date of birth for the child. Children under 13 won’t have access to our forums (for safeguarding reasons), and it is calculated from the date of birth entered. Children aged 13 or above will have forum access.
Get Involved Today
Blended learning (mixing real-world music lessons with online resources) is here to stay. So sign up now for free and start your MusicEL journey!